14 year – old Frances Ayee is the daughter of Pastor George Ayee she has a happy home, loving family and friends. She does well in school and had dreams of grandeur. But when she is viciously rapped at gunpoint. All her hopes and dreams tumble into a chaotic mess as her Family hurries her out of sigh to save themselves from public ridicule and embarrassment in the church. After giving birth to a bastard child, Julius. Frances is exiled to Toronto, Ontario, to live with her Aunt Beverley. While living in Toronto, Frances finds it hard to adjust. Battling with the post – traumatic symptoms of rape while at the same time dealing with the effects of culture shock. She eventually finds a safe heaven in the arms of an aspiring reggae artist name Darcel Henry. But that is short lived when Darcel is brutally killed, leaving her once again alone and vulnerable. Just when you think Frances has come to the end of her grief, tragedy strikes again. Her father is assassinated. The death takes her back to Jamaica, where she is forced to reveal the truth to her 14 year-old son, who has for years grew up believing that she was his older sister. Against a backdrop of simmering unrest, Frances must do everything in her will to reconnect with her son and rid herself of the monster who robbed her of her innocence as a child, while avenging her father’s death.



TYPE: Industrials
TIME: 42:33 mins
STATUS: Previous project


Michelle Chiu, Michael Findlay, Patricia Foster

Michelle Chiu, Ryan Singh

Michelle Chiu